Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the Tories!)

Over at Conservative Home, rebellion has been reported to be breaking out in the ranks of the Tory party – particularly from party activists and candidates:

Candidates’ gripes about the call to Newark reveal changes in the way our party campaigns

But what Conservative Home labelled ‘gripes‘ 2 days ago, have turned into what right-wing magazine The Spectator now labels ‘fury‘ after the local elections:

Candidate fury at CCHQ campaign demands

The spectator illustrates the rebellion rather well by reporting this unprecedented request to Tory Party Chairman Grant Shapps from one party candidate:

 “Shapps can fuck off”

And the following written response from Tory candidate Adrian Hilton to a request for a meeting on Sunday from Shapps shows grassroots rebels are losing their fear of speaking out openly against the party hierarchy:

Dear Mr Shapps,
Thank you for your email requesting that I attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday 25th May at…

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