If any of you need to be told this is not entirely serious, you need to see your doctor and find out if he thinks you still deserve to be allowed to vote, or if you belong in an institution instead.

Pride's Purge


An obscure pro-Europe political party on the fringe of UK politics known as the ‘Liberal Democrats’ have stunned the political establishment by coming from nowhere and winning a seat at the European elections.

The political earthquake across British politics came as the party – known as the ‘Lib Dems’ to their oddball supporters – stormed to victory in the European elections by winning as much as 6% of the popular vote and even winning a seat in the European parliament.

The Europhile party’s victory marks the first time in modern history that a party led by a convicted arsonist has won a seat at a British national election.

Controversial ‘Lib Dem’ party leader Nicholas William Clegg was convicted in May 2010 of setting fire to his pants.

The resulting blaze destroyed the country’s much-loved National Health Service as well as doing serious damage to other well-loved national treasures such as higher education, fairness and democracy.


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