Valuable work from Tom Pride. It is sad to note that it is a LABOUR peer who is embroiled in this. As a Labour member, my own view is that anyone found to be trying to use a Parliamentary position for personal gain should be ejected from the Party forthwith. They blacken all our names.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the corrupt UK today!)

Labour peer Lord Warner – who has written a report released today proposing monthly charges for using the NHS – is personally funded by private companies which will directly benefit from this kind of privatisation of healthcare:

Why Lord Warner really supports NHS reform: he’ll make loads of money from it

Warner wrote the report on behalf of a thinktank called REFORM which claims to be non-party – but which was founded by Tory MP Nick Herbert and former Head of the Political Section of the Conservative Party Research Department Andrew Haldenby.

REFORM itself is funded by many companies which will directly benefit from further privatisation of the NHS:


A full list of REFORM’S corporate sponsors can be found here – again many of which would directly benefit from these reforms.



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