Tom Pride catches the Mail and the Express with their pants down, telling lies on behalf of the government. The people concerned could justifiably sue those papers for slander, on the grounds that they AREN’T on a government ‘top ten benefit fraudster’ list, and that they DIDN’T defraud the taxpayer out of anything like as much money as those tabloids (let’s not call them newspapers) are suggesting.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the Daily Mail!)

The Mail and the Express yesterday had articles about an official list of the top ten benefits fraudsters in the country which they say was published by the government.

Just one little problem with it.

The list doesn’t seem to exist.

There doesn’t seem to be any official list of top ten benefits fraudsters published by the government.

There are no links in either the Mail or the Express articles to any government website where the official list is published. No list on the DWP website and no mention of it on the official DWP press office Twitter feed either.

The Mail specifically wrote that Iain Duncan Smith had decided to publish the list – but there is no mention of it on his website or anywhere else.

In fact the only sources for any official list are – the Mail and…

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